Reports Corruption Globalisation Society


Reposted on November 16 2023, by Dangerous Globe, for the simple reason that the more you learn,  the more the dots join up  into one big picture. It is not a theory any more, it's just a Conspiracy. TONY BLAIR AND THE ROTHSCHILDS OriginalPosted on November 14, 2023 by Paul Cudenec _ There is something very odd about the way that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has never quite left
Featured Corruption Globalisation

WEF: For The Hatred of Life & Truth

Another piece from Paul Cudanec with which we agree entirely. We are supposed to believe that turbo charging the capitalist perpetual growth system, which began in the steam era and ended with dead oceans and treeless forests, is suddenly going to deliver a green and pleasant world  by 2030. The likelihood of this happening is on a par with the possibility of viewing the northern lights from the deck of
Featured Corruption Society

A Developing Evil

Another piece by Paul Cudanec, written last year (2022), asking some pertinent questions about development and what it really means. Like most things these days there are meanings....and there are alternative meanings. Development is progress, advancement a way forward with our lives and generally good for everyone, at least that was what I thought some time ago...well 60 years ago maybe. But then I saw the money involved in "Development",
Featured Corruption Environment Fraud Politics

Anti-Life & Anti-Truth -The WEF

An original post by Winter Oak, who again seems to hit the nail on the head. You can call yourself what you like and write and speak volumes of blether all day long, but who and what you are is defined by your actions and deeds, and we have been down the Schwabian path before. (Worth noting the WEF emphasis on the so called "Global Public-Private Partnership" in which the
News Environment Media

The dutch farmers dispute

The extent of the problem There are some serious farmers protests taking place in the Netherlands at the moment, a big one happened last Saturday  23rd July 2022, and road blocks and obstacles are still taking place several days later. This is not just confined to The Netherlands either, in India, Sri Lanka, Germany, Italy, Spain and Poland, farmers are having the same problem. The International media have portrayed the
Are we finally on the eve of destruction?
Featured Politics

Are we finally on the ‘eve of destruction’?

In this week’s Socialist Hour I started by using a song by Barry McGuire called the “Eve of Destruction” to discuss the current political situation. It probably reveals something of my current state of mind because if the past 16 months have taught us anything at all it is that the political classes almost without exception across the globe have failed miserably when it comes to confronting a crisis. When
Featured Politics

The Future of U.S. Politics: Progressivism, Trumpism and the Great Divide

It's safe to say the passing of the 1.4 trillion dollar stimulus package was a positive step for the left-wing Progressive community in the United States when it was slipped through the US Senate in March. Statistics showed at the time it potentially could've been the most important piece of legislation designed to improve the lives of a the lower middle class since the New Deal domestic programs by Franklin