Freedom MLK
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Reasons to be hopeful

Generally when I sit down to write an article I’m pretty clear what I want to write about and very clear on the positive note I’m going to end on. But, this week I have been filled with a growing sense of despondency. A despondency which turned to anger as it began to dawn on me just how selfish and short sighted many of my fellow citizens can be. This
Society Featured

B.L.M. and an unexpected Irony

Delighted to bring you a piece by a new contributor, Aiden Lugg, from his blog Because it matters. Welcome Aiden I hate to break it to you, you are not that multicultural! In the wake of the death of George Floyd, and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement there has scarcely been a social sphere that has not been affected. ‘Little Britain’ and ‘Come Fly With Me’ have