News Media Politics Society

There’s Only One News Story

There’s Only One News Story, Repeating Over And Over Again Doing daily commentary on world power dynamics feels a lot like staring up at the sky watching clouds. Sometimes you see a three-legged pony up there, sometimes a gargoyle, sometimes a laughing baby, but really you’re only ever watching tiny water droplets being moved around by atmospheric winds. They can take on any number of different shapes, but no matter
Reports Business Politics War

Why just “Friends of Israel”?

Why just "Friends of Israel"? Whats wrong with "Friends of the rest of the world"? Stop the world I want to get off In the UK, since the days of Thatcher, have been told that Society doesn’t exist and that all Humans are simply motivated by self-interest. If you stop and think for a moment, its complete Bollox, but plenty of people bought into it anyway,  attracted by the promise