Featured Politics War

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Pt 1

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Part 1- Arab Spring and Rise of ISIS The Syrian Civil War is a decade old, March 15, 2011 ( is the official date of the beginning of the most catastrophic conflict I've witnessed in my lifetime. The refugees, civilian casualties and amount of bombs dropped by the Assad Syrian government and numerous foreign nations is nearly impossible to put numbers on.
Featured Politics War

Bush-Era War Criminals

Bush-Era War Criminals Are Louder Than Ever Because They’ve Lost The Argument After the US troop withdrawal established conclusively that the Afghan “government” they’d spent twenty years pretending to nation build with was essentially a work of fiction, thus proving to the world that they’ve been lying to us this entire time about the facts on the ground in Afghanistan, you might expect those who helped pave the way for that disastrous occupation
Featured Corruption War

The “War on Terror” Scam Continues

ISIS has reportedly claimed credit for an explosion near Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport. As of this writing there are around 90 dead including 13 US military personnel, though to read western mainstream media reports you’d think only US troops died and not scores of Afghans as well. This was the deadliest attack in a decade on US troops in Afghanistan, which is odd to think about considering how many people the US military has killed during that time;
US with Afghan flag
Featured Politics War

Twenty Years of Purgatory in Afghanistan

The date was October 7th 2001 (date courtesy of, major United States cities of New York and Washington were still paralyzed with despondency less than a month after the worst terrorist attacks ever on American soil. The Bush administration along with an impressive coalition including: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and even support from surprising new "allies" Russia and Iran( invaded the Taliban/Al Qaeda despotic regime that were
Video Politics Terrorism War

The Middle of the Middle East

Two videos which go a very long way to clearly explaining the past and current madness that is the Israel vs Palestine "conflict". The as always excellent Abby Martin's in-depth report and to try to lightening the sickening mood, Frankie Boyle explains in his own inimitable way, just why we should all be outraged. Previewing Abby Martin’s on-the-ground investigation in Palestine, The Empire Files looks at the long history of
Video Business Corruption War

The History of Oil

Robert Newman's comedic historic portrayal of the history of oil. Fact is stranger than fiction. Explains why America wishes to bring "democracy" to the Middle East and that WWI should be taught about the war for Iraq not Archduke Ferdinand & the coup in Iran when the secular democracy became a dictatorship for the interests of British Petroleum using the CIA.      
Reports Business Politics War

Why just “Friends of Israel”?

Why just "Friends of Israel"? Whats wrong with "Friends of the rest of the world"? Stop the world I want to get off In the UK, since the days of Thatcher, have been told that Society doesn’t exist and that all Humans are simply motivated by self-interest. If you stop and think for a moment, its complete Bollox, but plenty of people bought into it anyway,  attracted by the promise
Featured Politics War

That’s Quite Enough Donald

You may have noticed that there has not been a great deal of "The Donalds" news on The Dangerous Globe recently, as there are far more important "goings-on" to report, than the rantings of a deranged geriatric. That said, we have taken an exception to his recent comments on the US needing more nuclear warheads, so hence a little article on this big subject. We all know the problem, or the Catch 22, when
News War

The Answer is “7”

Here’s a clue, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, & Somalia. Got it? They are the places America is currently bombing. Something stinks in America, it’s the media, the unelected war-hawks of the Pentagon, and the $Trillion US arms Industry. The “conflicts” in the countries are all about getting rid of governments the war-hawks don’t like, and the US has spent $4 Trillion waging these “phony” wars, that the Congress