Featured Media Propaganda Society

Climate Breakdown, Extinction And ‘The Most Stupid Boast’

The Dangerous Globe has been given the OK to reproduce "Climate Breakdown, Extinction And ‘The Most Stupid Boast", by its author, David Cromwell, who, along with David Edwards,  are known as Media Lens. Since 2012, when the book, "Why are we the Good Guys", by David Cromwell was published, we at DG have followed the Media Lens quite closely, their work on challenging the narrative of the main stream media is
Featured Poetry Society Tech Terrorism

Headless Hounds

Poetry from Caitlin Johnstone. From now on when they talk about "setting the dogs on you", it will have a whole new meaning. They do not make good pets either [Tony Broomfield Senior Editor Dangerous Globe]     Headless Hounds Headless hounds from Boston Dynamics. Headless hounds from Raytheon. Headless hounds in our nightmares huddled shivering under US flags beneath a night sky whose stars were replaced by satellites and
U.S. Mexico Border
Featured Politics Society

The U.S. Mexico Border: A Tainted History of Prejudice, Exploitation and Broken Policies

"Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery." (Jack Paar) I felt it necessary to begin with a poignant quote in this attempt to make sense of the century long travesty that has been America's immigration policy . Since it's inception the United States has prided it's self on welcoming the world's downtrodden, I don't feel the need to quote the Statue of Liberty's famous statement of acceptance. Those very prolific
State Surveillance
Featured Politics Society

Surveillance Capitalism and It’s Effect on the Citizens of the World

In an age where the right to privacy continues to be relegated to an antiquated notion, whether it's governments spying on it's citizens or corporations watching your every move, our lives seem forever compromised. Surveillance Capitalism is defined as: An economic system centered around the capture and commodification of personal data for purpose of profit. Google and You Tube are two of the most egregious examples of this ever growing,