News Football Politics

UEFA to Expel Brexit Teams

After a historic showing of English football teams in Europe this season, UEFA has announced that they are to expel all British clubs from their competitions after Brexit. This means that British teams will no longer be eligible to compete in any European tournaments, including the International Euro’s. We have learned that the vacant cup places will be shared mainly amongst the, French, German, Italian and Spanish leagues, with the

Welcome to 1984

This was a post by Chris Renwick on Facebook and has been reproduced here in case they decide it is against their "values" and delete it. Here’s what I’m really struggling to understand. All I’ve ever heard from people, for years, is: “bloody bankers and their bonuses” “bloody rich and their offshore tax havens “ “bloody politicians with their lying and second homes”  “bloody corporations paying less tax than me”
Featured Business Fraud

TPS – Total Parking Solutions Scam

Parking Penalty Notices are the thing of nightmares for many motorists and with 32.8 million vehicles licensed in Great Britain, parking is becoming a lucrative system of making money from a simple plot of land. Whilst Local Authority parking sites are regulated under the 2004 Traffic Management Act, private companies are not, they are free to charge unsuspecting motorists whatever they see fit. Usually, the Rules are set out on
BBC Propaganda
News Media Politics

The Corporate Media do not want you to understand the Local Election Results

Soundbites aside In the run up to the local elections I pestered all of my friends and family to vote. I cast my vote in Leeds which remained a Labour hold overall. My home town also remained an overall Labour hold. And yet when the news reporters discuss Leeds and Lincolnshire, they jump straight to smearing the left with any losses they can grasp. Once all 248 councils were declared,
News Media Politics

I Will Cry For You Venezuela

The underlying problem In 2007, John Pilger made a documentary called War On Democracy  covering several S. American nations but including Venezuela in particular. If you have 90 minutes to spare I thoroughly recommend it. As usual, he really gets to the heart of the matter. Throughout this piece, I will link to specific clips from the film so that you can access the relevant detail even if you don’t
Featured Poetry Politics

Question Time

Heating the piled politics to a thick lathered buzz - Question Time's audience is a scream-streamed TX Almost over directed for a hyped-up reception - Our screens are re-tuned to TV's deception Below the radar into our licensed homes - finding the softest - in our sofa-slumped zones - Some people will toss their floating votes - they'll re-tune held views via the set-top box to long-lost frequencies of old-school
Poetry Culture Politics

No Confidence

The Mother of Parliaments emits a low groan - her confidence shot - as our distrust grows We smell the foul essence worn by the rich - it's the stench of the moneyed on the front bench The PM frowns as her voice thins and strains - repeating her mantras - again and again The deceits are disclosed in emotional stories of neglect and fear under the Tories those perfidious
Reports Crime Politics

Tory reports go missing again

Each headline is a link to the MSM article concerned, because you cannot just make this stuff up and I just wanted to prove it to you August 2014 CONSERVATIVES SECRETLY PLAN TWO NEW GARDEN CITIES Supposed to relieve housing shortages in London and home-counties (and possibly a good way to use up all that lovely surplus land local tory politicians have been buying up over the last 10 years).
News Media Politics


I am furious about Brexit, I am incandescent with rage and have been for months now and it is a fury driven by many different reasons.  I am not furious at the people who voted to leave the EU, I fully understand why they voted that way, what I am furious at is being manipulated by politicians working solely for their own personal gain and this is an attempt to
Reports Business Politics

The Birth of BrExit

In 1997, Liam Fox founded a Think Tank called Atlantic Bridge under the patronage of Margaret Thatcher Liam Fox is on record stating that Atlantic Bridge  had been created to “Defend people of common interests from European Integrationists who would like to pull Britain away from its relationship with the United States”. So not exactly big fans of the Union of Europe even 20 years ago, but great fans of