Trump vs Biden 2.0
Featured Media Politics

Will Biden-Trump Rematch Signal the End of Two Party System?

The overwhelming majority of the approximately 240 million Americans who voted in the 2020 Presidential election will surely experience an uneasy sense of deja Vu and feelings of dread come November 2024. (Pew Research). Those who will attempt to honor their patriotic duty and participate in the next election cycle will be left with two unenviable choices. A dreaded rematch between an 81 year old incumbent, whose become nothing more
Reports Corruption Globalisation Society


Reposted on November 16 2023, by Dangerous Globe, for the simple reason that the more you learn,  the more the dots join up  into one big picture. It is not a theory any more, it's just a Conspiracy. TONY BLAIR AND THE ROTHSCHILDS OriginalPosted on November 14, 2023 by Paul Cudenec _ There is something very odd about the way that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has never quite left
Featured Globalisation Justice Propaganda Terrorism War

After Crushing the Palestinians Who is Next?

Something I have been giving a lot of thought to recently...just how did the Nazi Party sweep across Germany the way it did, carrying so many decent ordinary folk along with it?  Tony Broomfield(Sen Ed)...More on that subject later, meanwhile this, from our friends at Sodium Haze   If we allow them to crush the Palestinians – we’ll be next Picture this. During the rise of the far right in
Featured Justice Terrorism War

Israeli Ground Invasion of Gaza Would Set off Middle Eastern Fight to the Death

The October 7th, 2023, massive surprise attack perpetrated by Hamas militants against several towns and cities in the South of Israel, with all its violence, hostage taking, killing of civilians and now cataclysmic repercussions for the citizens of Gaza is a date that will forever live in infamy. No matter you're position on the most contentious issue in the world for the last 75 years, as human beings we can't
Featured Internet Media

Will Elon’s Musky Influence Lead Twitter Towards Total Xstinktion?

According to, Elon Musk's estimated worth was 232 Billion dollars as of July 2023, making him the world's richest man. Elon Musk's business acumen has been heavily scrutinized since his acquisition of Twitter. The eccentric billionaire purchased the social media giant in April 2022 for a reported 44 billion dollars. ( info courtesy of Since his acquisition, the site once beloved by hundreds of millions of people has
Featured Corruption Globalisation

WEF: For The Hatred of Life & Truth

Another piece from Paul Cudanec with which we agree entirely. We are supposed to believe that turbo charging the capitalist perpetual growth system, which began in the steam era and ended with dead oceans and treeless forests, is suddenly going to deliver a green and pleasant world  by 2030. The likelihood of this happening is on a par with the possibility of viewing the northern lights from the deck of
Reports Corruption Health Science

Shaping the Message

1                  FOREWORD   This piece is all about those tools and who sharpens them, or not, as the case may be.. 2      Unfinished Business In a recent Dangerous Globe piece from 29 July this year called “5 Bedtime Stories”, one of them was about Aspartame, and in it I wrote about a scientist, Dr Ralph Walton, and some claims he made on-camera. He stated that the ‘full story was available
Featured eCurrency Finance Fraud

Cryptocurrency, a Breeding Ground for Scammers or Future of Economics

One recent news story that propelled the subject of this piece into the mainstream of society was the December 14, 2022, arrest of Sam Bankman-Fried in the Bahamas. Known as the "crypto king" prior to his apprehension, and at his financial peak, reportedly worth 26 billion dollars as of November of 2022. The epic downfall of a con-man, who manipulated the Ultra Capitalism model so blatantly wouldn't normally pique my
Sports Gambling
Featured Society Sport

A Non-Chemical Romance: Gambling

A Non-Chemical Romance: Gambling and the Unhealthy Infatuation With Pro Sports I look back on a significant chunk of my childhood with a fair amount of regret. From the ages of 11-18 playing sports, watching sports and religiously following my "favorite" teams within the four major professional leagues in the United States consumed an unhealthy amount of my time. I was among the top athletes in my very small town,