Featured Covid 19 Health Society

The Covid Enigma: Fauci, Vaccines and Its Mysterious Origins

­ The June 3rd Anthony Fauci testimony before a US Congress subcommittee has dragged the wretched Covid debate back into the public consciousness. The main objective of this hearing was to investigate the US's response to the pandemic and its mysterious origins. Going back to the infant stages of Covid 19, March 2020 with the benefit of hindsight we can indisputably say that most of the world's initial response to Covid
Featured Culture Internet

TikTok Ban. Time is Running Out: The Social Media Giant Faces US Ban

­Dissecting the proposed US Congress lead banning of the social media stalwart TikTok, one of the most powerful proponents and scapegoats will surely sound familiar. ­Let's start with the demonization of the Chinese. From the origins of Covid, to a wayward spy balloon, and now we have a supposed government sanctioned US civilian information theft campaign via TikTok. It has become ever more apparent that China has taken the place
Politics Featured

‘Voto Segreto’ – the ‘Secret Vote’

We came across Roleigh Martin a few days ago, on X, with this long and interesting read on an old voting system the 'Voto Segreto' - the 'Secret Vote', that apparently originated in Italy and was used with some success for 70 odd years between 1848 and 1922. I confess a long lasting and ongoing desire to build a truly democratic society, a citizens society, free of vested interests and
Corruption Featured Finance Politics

Chatham House

POWER AND CORRUPTION: THE PUBLIC-PRIVATE IMPERIAL MAFIA Posted on May 15, 2024 by Paul Cudenec   Chatham House, the name commonly given to The Royal Institute of International Affairs, is an extremely influential “think tank” based in London.  It has enjoyed the patronage of the British monarchy for a century now, with Charles III recently joining the list of royal backers. Director Bronwen Maddox said on May 9 2024: “Chatham House
Corruption Covid 19 Featured Terrorism

Lab-Leak Theories?

Did Covid 19 originate in a Laboratory? The following list isn't just Lab leaks, but they do form the bulk of it. Taken altogether they provide total justification for Barak Obama to call a moratorium on "Gain of Function" activity in 2014, until such issues could be properly evaluated. We got fed up with waiting for that so we are doing our own evaluation right here right now...you can help
Featured Corruption War


Another piece from Winter Oak, in which Paul Cudanec takes a somewhat deeper look into Wars and the people that make a living out of "cultivating" them. With the assault on Gaza by Israel splashed all over the headlines on a daily basis, it might be worth remembering that the Rothschilds had a major part to play in the foundation of Israel in the first place. Tony Broomfield Snr Editor
Trump vs Biden 2.0
Featured Media Politics

Will Biden-Trump Rematch Signal the End of Two Party System?

The overwhelming majority of the approximately 240 million Americans who voted in the 2020 Presidential election will surely experience an uneasy sense of deja Vu and feelings of dread come November 2024. (Pew Research). Those who will attempt to honor their patriotic duty and participate in the next election cycle will be left with two unenviable choices. A dreaded rematch between an 81 year old incumbent, whose become nothing more

Mistakes were not made

Mistakes Were not Made: An Anthem for Justice Margaret Anna Alice The Armenian Genocide was not a mistake. Holodomor was not a mistake. The Final Solution was not a mistake. The Great Leap Forward was not a mistake. The Killing Fields were not a mistake. Name your genocide—it was not a mistake. That includes the Great Democide of the 2020s. To imply otherwise is to give Them the out they are seeking. It was not botched.
Featured Globalisation Justice Propaganda Terrorism War

After Crushing the Palestinians Who is Next?

Something I have been giving a lot of thought to recently...just how did the Nazi Party sweep across Germany the way it did, carrying so many decent ordinary folk along with it?  Tony Broomfield(Sen Ed)...More on that subject later, meanwhile this, from our friends at Sodium Haze   If we allow them to crush the Palestinians – we’ll be next Picture this. During the rise of the far right in