Donald J. Trump - one wicked mother f***er
News Culture

The humble achievements of Donald J. Trump

The New World I’ll begin with a blunt statement: from a moral perspective, in the few short years between 2015 and 2021, the world was transformed. As a consequence of this transformation we now occupy a new world: a world where ethics and morality have been hollowed out, where integrity, honesty and intelligence are devalued, a world where the overload of information, opinion and belief leaves us disorientated and confused.
Corruption Featured HIstory Politics Terrorism

Canada and the Ukraine

Dangerous Globe Foreword If you are not sure what Banderites and Banderism refer to its about Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian politician and there is a short explanation of him and the movement at the end of this page. The entire piece which follows is the reproduction of a piece by Thierry Meyssan of Voltairenet.Org under a Commons sharing Licence. (license CC BY-NC-ND) For the record, The Dangerous Globe is a
Featured Environment Poetry

Apocalypto (Poem from Junkie Spirit Collection)

Apocalypto Currency in crypto Any day the world will break apart You won't be saved by a liberals bleeding heart. No solution from the fools on the hill Mental anguish, can't be cured by a magic pill. Environmental catastrophe, It's seems big brother's always after me. Could it be true or just another conspiracy? Every word I say they're really hearing me What's in store for 2022? More strife and
News HIstory Politics

A Child of Thatcher

We would like to introduce Dr Bethany Usher to our pages, and post her view of the Thatcher years which she published on her blog in 2013.  We take the view that a great deal of what is taking place today has been as a direct result of the "Thatcher Years", which many of our younger readers may well have heard about but never experienced first hand. Many thanks to
Short Conversations About Everything That Matters: Volume Two - During The Storm
Featured Literature Politics

Book Review: Short conversations about everything that matters

Book Review: Short Conversations about everything that matters; Volume 2 During the Storm by Luke Andreski, Author and Philosopher. ISBN 9798762047951 Second book in the series “Short Conversations” by Luke, and a very important book for anyone slightly interested in making sense of Planet Earth 2021. To begin with, let me explain that we at The Dangerous Globe, came across Luke Andreski over a year ago, during our own search for