Featured Poetry Politics

Question Time

Heating the piled politics to a thick lathered buzz - Question Time's audience is a scream-streamed TX Almost over directed for a hyped-up reception - Our screens are re-tuned to TV's deception Below the radar into our licensed homes - finding the softest - in our sofa-slumped zones - Some people will toss their floating votes - they'll re-tune held views via the set-top box to long-lost frequencies of old-school
Poetry Culture Politics

No Confidence

The Mother of Parliaments emits a low groan - her confidence shot - as our distrust grows We smell the foul essence worn by the rich - it's the stench of the moneyed on the front bench The PM frowns as her voice thins and strains - repeating her mantras - again and again The deceits are disclosed in emotional stories of neglect and fear under the Tories those perfidious
Poetry Politics

Echo Chambers

It’s too easy to hate, to say with screams, to find alt-solutions in final extremes, your volume racked up In your echo chamber, Knowing your hatred Reverbs beyond there; Too may such rooms, with men pushing in these are the places where the end begins.
Miracle on Downing Street by Mike Bell
Literature Politics

Miracle On Downing Street

Following on from yesterday and after a chance to digest the Conservative manifesto Miracle on Downing Street by Mike Bell St. Theresa knows what is good for us, she 'Hallelujahs' for votes (The Mail prints the chorus). She cleans the feet of the blessed rich, with her giving hands on their privatised bits: She's touched The Trump, held the hand of 'God', and now she is saying: 'Come and buy