Featured Environment Environment Globalisation


Another great piece by Paul Cudanec taking a behind the scenes look at the people pulling the strings, and greasing the wheels of the Climate Crisis Brigade. I confess to once having been "a Climate Crisis Believer", but the ludicrous lockstep of governments and media in the last 4 years made me sit up and really take notice of whats going on. Whatever it is they are selling now, be
Featured Corruption Fake News Media Politics

BBC: The Propaganda Prostitutes Part 1

Introduction In the last 15 years of my working life I found myself reading books again, after a bookless half century. It was my work schedule that I have to thank for it. I became a consultant in the geophysical industry travelling worldwide, to places very remote, living in caravans, portacabins, ships and tents. Long hours in the evening needed filling. Passing through Amsterdams Schiphol airport, sometimes 4 times a
Featured Covid 19 Media

NY Times Latest to Mislead Public on New Ivermectin Study

The Following piece is © 03-31-2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.  The article in its entirety is as follows NY Times Latest to Mislead Public on
Free Julian Assange
News Media Politics

Debunking All The Assange Smears

Have you ever noticed how whenever someone inconveniences the dominant western power structure, the entire political/media class rapidly becomes very, very interested in letting us know how evil and disgusting that person is? It’s true of the leader of every nation which refuses to allow itself to be absorbed into the blob of the US-centralized power alliance, it’s true of anti-establishment political candidates, and it’s true of WikiLeaks founder Julian
Featured Corruption Politics

No Theory, Just a Conspiracy.

This is reprinted, with permission, from a solid Twitter Thread posted today by @simonmaginn  The subject? 10 repulsive, and apparently orchestrated, attacks upon the Labour Party and its senior members over the last few years. Claims of Anti Semitism were the weapon of choice, making it an even more repulsive series of acts upon people that are probably the LEAST antisemitic in the entire UK. Here we are pleased to publish
Faked Fake News
Featured Media Politics

Faked Fake News

INTRODUCTION We started the Dangerous Globe in 2016 in a world still blissfully still unaware of the delights of “Fake News” or Kelly Anne Conway’s ludicrous ‘Alternative Truths’. We were just as unaware of Brexit, Novichok, Trump, Skripal, Covid, Johnson or even Kelly Anne Conway herself come to that. 2 Ex-Pat Brits, based in the Netherlands, with a bit of computing power, a smattering of European Languages, and a strong
Reports Business Politics War

Why just “Friends of Israel”?

Why just "Friends of Israel"? Whats wrong with "Friends of the rest of the world"? Stop the world I want to get off In the UK, since the days of Thatcher, have been told that Society doesn’t exist and that all Humans are simply motivated by self-interest. If you stop and think for a moment, its complete Bollox, but plenty of people bought into it anyway,  attracted by the promise

Google Denies Holocaust

When searching for "did the holocaust happen", the number one response is a "no". This ranking has changed for US users but the white supremacist site Stormfront remains the top result in the UK. Google commented that "search is a reflection of the content that exists on the web". Other dubious results from the search engine are found when asking "are Muslims bad?" and "are black people smart ?". We