Reports Corruption Globalisation Society


Reposted on November 16 2023, by Dangerous Globe, for the simple reason that the more you learn,  the more the dots join up  into one big picture. It is not a theory any more, it's just a Conspiracy. TONY BLAIR AND THE ROTHSCHILDS OriginalPosted on November 14, 2023 by Paul Cudenec _ There is something very odd about the way that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has never quite left
Featured Globalisation Justice Propaganda Terrorism War

After Crushing the Palestinians Who is Next?

Something I have been giving a lot of thought to recently...just how did the Nazi Party sweep across Germany the way it did, carrying so many decent ordinary folk along with it?  Tony Broomfield(Sen Ed)...More on that subject later, meanwhile this, from our friends at Sodium Haze   If we allow them to crush the Palestinians – we’ll be next Picture this. During the rise of the far right in
Featured Corruption Globalisation

WEF: For The Hatred of Life & Truth

Another piece from Paul Cudanec with which we agree entirely. We are supposed to believe that turbo charging the capitalist perpetual growth system, which began in the steam era and ended with dead oceans and treeless forests, is suddenly going to deliver a green and pleasant world  by 2030. The likelihood of this happening is on a par with the possibility of viewing the northern lights from the deck of
Featured Environment Environment Globalisation


Another great piece by Paul Cudanec taking a behind the scenes look at the people pulling the strings, and greasing the wheels of the Climate Crisis Brigade. I confess to once having been "a Climate Crisis Believer", but the ludicrous lockstep of governments and media in the last 4 years made me sit up and really take notice of whats going on. Whatever it is they are selling now, be
Julian Assange Gagged
Featured Globalisation Society

Julian Assange – Tyranny disguised as Justice

Thanks to Craig Murray for permission to post this onward. In a sane world Julian Assange would never have been arrested for telling the truth about the heinous crimes of America,  let alone convicted. If you think this  unfair on America, take a look in the paragraphs below where even during Julians appeal process the US military and Intel community were busy plotting his disappearance, kidnapping, even assassination, thus confirming