Elder abuse
Featured Society

Who cares?

Mahmatma Ghandi once famously said “The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.” By that measure a society that allows its most vulnerable members to be treated without respect must be judged fairly badly. Imagine this scenario. Some will not need to imagine as they are likely to be living it. You are a married (or cohabiting) couple who have been together for
Featured Politics

Transforming Democracy

  Last week a Twitter user called @Posh_Jock made what at the time I thought was a flippant remark. “ I was just wondering........would you consider running the country for us?......please..pretty please ”. I dismissed this in a light hearted way but then @GailMac27 supported the idea: “Don't sell yourself short. I've often thought that what we really need is individuals like you as opposed to the bunch of self
Featured Politics

Constitutional Madness

Constitutional Madness According to a law passed in 1829, Boris Johnson, who has now come out as a practicing Catholic, cannot be both a Catholic and hold any office of state. The Roman Catholic Relief Act states that "It shall not be lawful for any person professing the Roman Catholic religion directly or indirectly to advise his Majesty, or any person or persons holding or exercising the office of guardians
Featured Politics

The Cummings Storm

Dominic Cummings is the story of the week. There is little doubt about that, but what have we really learned apart from the fact that Cummings is not the sort of person you should have as a friend. His revelations that Number 10 was a mess and had no plan for how to deal with the pandemic seem to have come as a massive shock to journalists, who whilst enjoying
Who do we save Whiteboard
Featured Society

Who do we not save?

It’s a question that I am sure has been asked many times before. It’s a question that may even be reasonable yet brings instant anger. It’s a question that shows us just how unprepared they were. It’s a question governments and societies have been asking since the beginning of time. The question has no answer on this sorry whiteboard because there is no answer that can be acceptable Those in
Featured Society

Satire Alert

Heir Apparently So last week, Prince Willy an unemployed benefits claimant from Cambridgeshire, made a statement to the Zombie Nation, that his honest and truthful mother was purely smack talking her baby daddy. Turns out he sent a minion of the Empire Lord Dyson (who I assume is the hoover guy, purely because donations means lordships), to go out on an epic mudslinging mission against the BBC, who we already
Featured Media Politics

Free The Press

So this week was World Press Freedom Day. Were you celebrating? If you were you probably either own or work for a media corporation or, like so many people, you accept what the press tells you uncritically. Perhaps it simply passed you by as you were far too busy concentrating on the various elections taking place this week. In this article I’m going to concentrate mainly on the U.K. press.
Corruption Featured Politics

The Big Reveal

“Do you remember how there was global outrage after the Panama Papers exposed a massive international tax evasion scheme involving many high-profile wealthy elites, leading to mass incarcerations and sweeping overhauls to the world's taxation and legal systems? No? How about the huge scandal when it was revealed that the CIA unilaterally funds its own clandestine operations via secret drug trafficking programs to circumvent the oversight of elected bodies, leading